
DiafrikInvest ends with 136 supported entrepreneurs

One hundred and thirty-six entrepreneurs supported, 50 backers found for the projects selected and more than €1M in investment pledges: these are the results of the international acceleration programme set up by Diafrikinvest and coordinated by the ANIMA Investment Network, in partnership with Startup Morocco, CONECT (Tunisia) and CJD Senegal.


The results of this €2.2M programme (90% financed by the European Union) designed to draw on skills and boost productive investment from within the Moroccan, Tunisian and Senegalese diaspora have been positive. In the 36 months that it ran, (December 2016 to October 2020), around 40 operations aimed at local and diaspora entrepreneurs, business angels and institutions in Morocco, Senegal and Tunisia were completed.


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For more information about DiafrikInvest results :


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