
Investment Academy – Dakar

Dakar,  Sénégal 
Workshop / Seminar

The 2nd DiafrikInvest Investment Academy will be held on 22 october 2019 in Dakar, organized by the CJD Senegal.


25 entrepreneurs from the DiafrikInvest acceleration programme will be invited to participate, selected on their ability to generate a strong and positive local impact (job creation, skills and technology transfer, social benefits for the communities, etc.).

This event also aims to strengthen productive investment in Africa through financial instruments adapted to the diaspora’s engagement processes.


The program includes an intensive day of coaching involving experts and mentors, where entrepreneurs will be trained in fundraising processes and techniques. The following issues will be addressed in particular:

  • Different financing methods;
  • The methodology of writing the several necessary documents for a fundraising such as the pitch deck, the financial business plan, the termsheet, etc.
  • A definition of the main financial terms;
  • Profiles of investors and professionals involved;
  • Advices on how to behave and communicate with an investor;
  • Support to prepare your fundraising ;
  • Prepare your crowdfunding equity strategy;
  • Prepare your meeting with co-investors in foreign markets (scheduled for December 2019 and February 2020 as part of DiafrikInvest) ;
  • Benefit from entrepreneurs’ testimonials.


This day will be closed by exchanges and feedback of experiences around a panel bringing together funders and companies in progress or at the end of a fundraising campaign. This will be an opportunity to confront the realities and constraints of each other in relation to a local environment that is still “young”.


This Investment Academy will be followed by two days of CJD Senegal’s Business Forum (23 and 24 October) to provide an additional opportunity for networking, B2B meetings and exchange of experience. 


For more information: link to the programme (in French only)

Contact & informations: [email protected]