Save the date: 2nd edition of the DiafrikInvest Business Forum

The Confederation of Tunisian Citizen Enterprises (CONECT) organises, on March 10, 2022 in Tunis, the 2nd edition of the DiafrikInvest Business Forum, in partnership with ANIMA Investment Network and co-financed by the European Union.
As part of the international program DiafrikInvest, the Business Forum aims to connect the talents of the Tunisian diaspora to the actors of the local entrepreneurial ecosystem, mainly investors.
As for the last DiafrikInvest event, which took place from 13 to 15 February 2022 in Rabat (Startup Africa Summit, flagship event of the international programs DiafrikInvest and THE NEXT SOCIETY, co-financed by the European Union), the challenge is to connect entrepreneurs who have been accompanied by DiafrikInvest for several months with investors, Business Angels, but also investment funds, and large Tunisian or international groups who will be present on this occasion. A panorama of opportunities ahead!
CONECT and DiafrikInvest, at the core of the Diaspora’s investment in sustainable economic and social development in Tunisia
On the agenda of the DiafrikInvest Business Forum, CONECT is organizing a panel that will address the key issues of innovation financing mechanisms, and innovative financing mechanisms.
This panel will be followed by an experience sharing panel: Success Stories of startups, but especially the sharing of good practices on the theme of “Coaching & Financing”. A panel to learn from each others’ experience, to be stimulated to overcome the little obstacles, and to be inspired by achievements.
The Tunisian entrepreneurs benefiting from the DiafrikInvest support, will find on 10 March 2022 their mentors, high talents and accomplished entrepreneurs from the Tunisian diaspora and settled in Europe (Switzerland, Italy, Germany, etc.).
Networking times, during B2B & B2F meetings, are also on the agenda to enable participants to get to know each other, identify investors and investment opportunities, learn about the latest trends in financing, innovation and innovative entrepreneurship, and meet speakers and experts coming from Africa and Europe.
A second edition with an expected success
From 14 to 16 November 2018, Tunis had already hosted the DiafrikInvest Business Forum, organised on the sidelines of the FUTURALLIA 2018 Business Forum by CONECT, ANIMA Investment Network, ACIM, GIZ and Expertise France.
The results of the previous edition were more than encouraging, as the coordinator of the DiafrikInvest project points out: “some of the entrepreneurs we support were indeed able to raise funds […] We will soon make a precise analysis of the results, but our program works”.
This DiafrikInvest Business Forum 2018 had then gathered more than 600 entrepreneurs from 40 different sectors, with more than 30 countries represented, for a total of 8000 business meetings in 2 days: promising figures for this 2020 edition.
Download the programme (only in French)